FPC silica gel plate fixture of Japanese imports The product is the best solution for the flexible printed circuit board (FPC) Fixture, SMT fixture materials. First, the product advantages: (1) can be fixed whole FPC, high positioning accuracy. (2) high temperature (up to 300 ° C) Greatly improve work efficiency, simple operation, reduce the use of high-temperature glue fixed FPC process (4) re-use more than 1600 times Five anti-static, good insulation 6 to meet the requirements of the double-sided process High-performance adhesives can maintain a stable bond strength under high temperature of 280 ° C Bond strength is divided into: high, medium and low Second, the scope of application: A soft board mount process: FPC SMT B is thin and soft small hard board mount process: the Rigid the FPCB SMT C flexible strip mount process: LED SMT D with a thin soft-LCD manufacturing process
White glass cloth tape
Japan daisho silicone
Non-silicon glue
FPC silica gel plates
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